Monday, February 22, 2010

Web2.0 questions

1) I feel that it is not necessarily the question of if professional production values are dropping or rising its more that it is a new and interesting form of production that appeals to people. This is because the simplicity of filming something with just a web cam or amateur video camera appeals to people because its different and uncommon.

The mere fact of seeing a commercial on television such as the E-Trade baby one that is fuzzy and unclear automatically grabs the viewers attention because they are so use to seeing a commercial of high quality. I feel that it is not going to continue down this path, some movies and commercials that are intended to be seen as an amateur video will be filmed this way such as Paranormal Activity while other movies like Avatar pride themselves on the quality of the movie they are producing.

2)The article we choose was here we choose the following tags:
  • Social Media
  • Business
  • Communication
  • Feedback
  • Criticism
The tags that were listed on this article under Delicious were: business, feedback, MARKETING, small business, and social media

The similarities in the tags included the topics that were listed in the title of the article such as feedback, and social media. Some tags like criticism and communication were not listed as similar tags. I felt that it was important to put these tags in because social media is a direct link from communication, it is a form of it.

I also felt that it was key to include the criticism tag because of the fact that this article deals with the "How To's" of it. In tagging I learned that the fewer words, the more effective. When there are less tags I feel like it gets straight to the point, to the meat of the article. It is more obvious of what the article is about if the tags are only tags that relate direct to the main point. The one tag that I would combine off of the Delicious sight would be marketing and business just because they are so similar.

3) Transparency is such an important topic in social media because the more you are transparent in the social media world the more you can communicate with other people who share similar interests. Using this allows you to find people who share the same interests that you do quicker and more effectively. This allows companies to get together and serve their consumers needs in a broader way which in the end will allow them to reach more people, gaining more business.

I feel that on one side transparency can be seen as more important to the online world through the accessibility of the internet and how many people can view it at their convince. The other side however convinces me that it is as equally important to the offline world because you have more privacy. On the internet people can be followed and it is not as private to have your information out there as it is if you were to never be online and keep personal information to yourself. For instance word of mouth through your family or group of friends would be more reliable than reading a tabloid about celebrities.

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