Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Digital_Nation Video

I found it really interesting to watch this video in class. Not only does Rachel make a lot of great points but she does an excellent job of opening our eyes to the world around us. I had to stop and think how strange it was that we didn't have some of the technologies as kids growing up today do. I feel so old when I hear about eight and ten year old kids having cell phones. There really was no need to have a cell phone at that young of an age growing up and my friends and I did not get them until we were a bit older. When Rachel was speaking about her family while she was cooking dinner it reminded me of my house when I am home. When we are all in the same room we still could be in completely different places. Like my dad talking to customers and my sister to her boyfriend. I could be back at school looking through my emails and doing assignments. Even though we are all physically together we can really be in other places at the same time. The part in the video about multi tasking I found to be a bit confusing because I did not really understand the end results. I fell like the testing was a random part in this documentary. I am excited to see all of the other parts of this video.

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