Monday, February 22, 2010

Web2.0 questions

1) I feel that it is not necessarily the question of if professional production values are dropping or rising its more that it is a new and interesting form of production that appeals to people. This is because the simplicity of filming something with just a web cam or amateur video camera appeals to people because its different and uncommon.

The mere fact of seeing a commercial on television such as the E-Trade baby one that is fuzzy and unclear automatically grabs the viewers attention because they are so use to seeing a commercial of high quality. I feel that it is not going to continue down this path, some movies and commercials that are intended to be seen as an amateur video will be filmed this way such as Paranormal Activity while other movies like Avatar pride themselves on the quality of the movie they are producing.

2)The article we choose was here we choose the following tags:
  • Social Media
  • Business
  • Communication
  • Feedback
  • Criticism
The tags that were listed on this article under Delicious were: business, feedback, MARKETING, small business, and social media

The similarities in the tags included the topics that were listed in the title of the article such as feedback, and social media. Some tags like criticism and communication were not listed as similar tags. I felt that it was important to put these tags in because social media is a direct link from communication, it is a form of it.

I also felt that it was key to include the criticism tag because of the fact that this article deals with the "How To's" of it. In tagging I learned that the fewer words, the more effective. When there are less tags I feel like it gets straight to the point, to the meat of the article. It is more obvious of what the article is about if the tags are only tags that relate direct to the main point. The one tag that I would combine off of the Delicious sight would be marketing and business just because they are so similar.

3) Transparency is such an important topic in social media because the more you are transparent in the social media world the more you can communicate with other people who share similar interests. Using this allows you to find people who share the same interests that you do quicker and more effectively. This allows companies to get together and serve their consumers needs in a broader way which in the end will allow them to reach more people, gaining more business.

I feel that on one side transparency can be seen as more important to the online world through the accessibility of the internet and how many people can view it at their convince. The other side however convinces me that it is as equally important to the offline world because you have more privacy. On the internet people can be followed and it is not as private to have your information out there as it is if you were to never be online and keep personal information to yourself. For instance word of mouth through your family or group of friends would be more reliable than reading a tabloid about celebrities.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

DIgital Nation Part 2

During this part of the documentary i found it very interesting that so many people played video games the way that these people did. When I saw the people meeting at the convention I was shocked to learn how much of their day they spend playing video games. Some of those people even met their future husbands/wives through the game.

The other interesting part of this video was to see the way large companies such as IBM are using virtual world to set up meetings. They are basically running their whole business though this internet program. I had briefly heard about virtual world before but had no idea it was as elaborate as it was shown here. I feel that it is not a professional way to run a business. I think that face to face meetings are still appropriate and if that can not be done than there is still video conferencing through video chats and conference lines.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Digital_Nation Video

I found it really interesting to watch this video in class. Not only does Rachel make a lot of great points but she does an excellent job of opening our eyes to the world around us. I had to stop and think how strange it was that we didn't have some of the technologies as kids growing up today do. I feel so old when I hear about eight and ten year old kids having cell phones. There really was no need to have a cell phone at that young of an age growing up and my friends and I did not get them until we were a bit older. When Rachel was speaking about her family while she was cooking dinner it reminded me of my house when I am home. When we are all in the same room we still could be in completely different places. Like my dad talking to customers and my sister to her boyfriend. I could be back at school looking through my emails and doing assignments. Even though we are all physically together we can really be in other places at the same time. The part in the video about multi tasking I found to be a bit confusing because I did not really understand the end results. I fell like the testing was a random part in this documentary. I am excited to see all of the other parts of this video.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Media Collage

The medium i choose to represent in my collage was the BlackBerry. Displayed through this image is pictures of content a BlackBerry represents such as facebook, google, internet, AIM, and other search engines. The message in my media collage is the different functions of the BlackBerry such as using this SmartPhone as not only a phone but camera and computer as well.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Web 2.0 Terms:

User-generated content-This term entered the media in 2005, it refers to a number of available media content through the creation and generation of the sites users.

Long tail- A retail strategy that describes the art of selling a large number of unique items in small quantities.

Network as platform- The focus of a network is innovation where it only exists as the infrastructure of a system. The platform is used to deliver the experience to consumers.

Folksonomy- This is also known as collaborative tagging or social tagging. This is when tags are created and managed in order to find a specific content.

Syndication- Making web feeds available from a website in order to provide people with a summary of things such as recently added content, in other words when material is made available to a number of other sites.

Mass collaboration- This phrase refers to a large number of people working independently on one single project. Projects like these take place on the internet using social software.

Computer supported collaboration- This is when groups and organizations are able to communicate, and work together through the use of technology.

Hosted services- A business that delivers a combination of key functions like security, monitoring, storage and combines its abilities.

Web applications- This is an application that can be accessed through a web browser over a network like the internet for example. These are extremely popular due to the convenience of using the browser as a client.

Social-software- This allows individuals to not only interact but share software as well through a wide variety of software systems where media and data can be easily uploaded.

Video-sharing sites-
A website such as YouTube that allows the individual to upload and share their videos to the public or only a select group usually free of charge.

A wiki is a website that allows for the easy creation and editing of a web page through the web browser.

A specific type of journal-like website, typically intended for personal commentary, description of events, or graphics through entries.

Mashups-An application that combines data or functionality from two or more external sources to create a new service.

Content VS Message

With this medium you can use the application BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) which allows you to communicate with other BlackBerry users. This form of new media changes the perception of society because of the competition between being an iPhone user as opposed to BlackBerry. Even though there are more benefits to this smartphone than consequences some of them include lack of social interaction because everybody is always attached to their phones as well as the annoyance of people being able to see what messages you have opened and not responded to. This brings on the issue of privacy.

On Star
On Star can be installed in many vehicles which allows you to call for help, track a stolen car, and detect when you have been in a crash so it can call for help. This special button changes the perception of society because now people will feel a bit safer when they are in their cars. A social consequence for this type of new media is that if you do not carry a cell phone and only rely on this button for help something may go wrong. Another consequence would be if you accidently pressed the button when you didn't need help, like a false alarm.

Apple iPad
This device came out today, basically a larger version of an iTouch or iPhone, like a kindle or computer. Since this technology is so new it changes the perception of society because no one has ever seen this advanced technology before. Since it is a new invention there may be social and personal consequences down the line.