Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My take on Kevin Kelly's "the next 5,000 days of web"

I was very interested in these two videos. I especially liked the part where he listed the statistics like how there is two million emails per second, and fifty five trillion links. Its amazing that we have the technology to determine these statistics to begin with. Not to mention how many people are using the internet to rack up these statistics. 1829 was when the word technology was first invented by a man who was starting to teach a course. Anything that was invented after you were born, or work yet was the two descriptions Kevin gave to describe technology. He brings up a great way to look at life, what if we were to eliminate every kind of technology in our wold today, where would we be? This question scares me because we rely, well I rely so heavily on technology today I would be lost without it.

The video was informative in describing how our brain works and how fast the internet grows. Infinity processing power will be reached by 2014 was a bold statement. Infinity is a huge number and to know that we will be that far along in technology is amazing. I am excited to see if Kevin's theory on how there will be one device for everything eventually comes true. I personally am using a lot of technology like a cell phone, laptop, camera, iPod, and television. To imagine that all of these things will eventually become one is exciting. I have already seen the commercials for the portable personal television but I have not physically seen it yet.

I agree with Kelly's statement that the web is restructuring things. The different stages of link computers (the net), linking pages, and linking data. He is very comical and entertaining like when he speaks about the firs person to purchase the fax machine and telling stories about his experiences with technology. He relates his speeches to the average person and is very personable, how he was up till 4am preparing his speech, and relating technology to each of us and our different places in the world. I enjoyed watching these videos and learning about future technology.

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